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The purpose of a Certificate of Citizenship is to prove the holder’s identity as a U.S. citizen. The certificate is issued by the government to individuals who are derivative citizens and those who acquired citizenship. This differs from a naturalized citizen who took affirmative steps to become a U.S. citizen and went through the process of naturalization. Those individuals will receive a Certificate of Naturalization. Derivative citizenship is citizenship transferred to the child(ren) of naturalized U.S. citizens, or in some cases, to foreign-born children adopted by parents who are U.S. citizens. Acquired citizenship is citizenship bestowed at birth on a child born overseas to a U.S. citizen mother and/or father.
Derivative Citizenship Under certain circumstances, a child can derive U.S. citizenship through his or her parent(s) who has become a naturalized U.S. citizen. The exact requirements vary depending on when the parent naturalized, however, the basic requirements for being eligible for derivative citizenship include the following.
- Have at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen
- Be physically in the legal custody of a U.S. citizen parent
- Have a green card
- Be less than 18 years old
- Be unmarried
- Be the legitimate child of a U.S. citizen or a legitimate relationship was established prior to the child’s 16th birthday (not a stepchild)
- If adopted, satisfy the requirements of section 101(b)(1)(E) or (F), the adoption must be full and finalized, and one of the following must be applicable:
- The U.S. citizen parent has resided a minimum of 5 years in the U.S., at least 2 of those being after the parent’s 14th birthday, or
- If the U.S. citizen parent cannot satisfy those requirements, the child must have a grandparent who:
- Is a United States citizen, and
- Has resided for a minimum of 5 years in the U.S., at least 2 of those being after the grandparent’s 14th birthday, and
- Is alive at the time of the adjudication of the application and the child’s Oath ceremony
Becoming a US citizen entails specific rights, duties, and the following benefits: consular protection outside the United States; ability to sponsor relatives living abroad; ability to invest in the US. in real property without triggering additional taxes; transmitting US citizenship to children; protection from deportation and others. U.S. law permits multiple citizenship. A citizen of another country naturalized as a U.S. citizen may retain his previous citizenship
Once you assemble and upload all required documents, we will check if the evidence is correct and will provide a cover letter.