Legal entry refers to the process that most visitors and foreign workers go through while entering the United States through official borders

Home > Asylum > I-589 Apply for Asylum Legal entry

If you talked with someone at the U.S. border, or in customs at your arriving U.S. airport, and you are legally admitted into the United States with any Nonimmigrant Status (for example, B-2 for tourism), this will be your asylum process. The law requires you to apply for asylum within one year of legally entering the country unless you can demonstrate: altered circumstances that directly affect your eligibility for asylum; or, that your delay in applying was caused by unusual or exceptional circumstances; and, that you filed in a reasonable time considering those unusual or exceptional circumstances. But, USCIS has adopted a policy of allowing the one-year deadline to start running at the expiration of your lawful status (the day your Nonimmigrant status expires). Applying for asylum starts by submitting a complex paper application, an I-589, with supporting evidence. Then, shortly after (USCIS tries to do this within 21 days), you will be scheduled for an Asylum Interview, in the not-too-distant future. At this interview, you will have to convince an asylum officer that you are eligible for asylum.

Asylum Granted

Within 14 days of your interview, you should get a decision on whether you have been given asylum. If your asylum case is “granted,” a piece of paper will tell you that you have been given “recommended approval” for asylum. Congratulations! This means you have obtained asylum, but USCIS has to verify your identity and perform some background checks on you, before giving you final approval.

Asylum Denied

Within 14 days of your interview, you should get a decision on whether you have been given asylum. An asylum “denial” will come in two forms, depending on whether you are still in a lawful nonimmigrant status at the time that you are denied. Click below for an explanation of each:

Call today for a free asylum consultation

The U.S. asylum process is very complicated, so the best chance of success comes from working with an experienced asylum attorney.  We are highly experienced in US asylum law.  We have helped people from all over the world fleeing persecution to gain asylum in the US. Our attorneys, translators, and support staff will work with you individually to give you the best chance of success possible.  We know how difficult and heart-wrenching the asylum process can be, and we will be with you every step of the way. Your citizenship or your residency status is something you should entrust to a professional. Call the top New York Immigration Attorneys toll-free at 1-888-ZONTLAW / 1-888-966-8529.

Can I ask for political asylum from outside the US?

NO. To apply for political asylum, you must be in the United States (embassies or diplomatic missions outside the US will not help you in this matter). Being outside the US, you can only apply for refugee status and this procedure is also a complicated procedure.

Can I apply for asylum when crossing the border?

This is possible, and such cases often occur at the border crossing with Mexico. The application directly on the border is an extreme measure. A very important point is that when you cross the border without the necessary permission (US visa) and asylum application, you are most likely to be detained and placed in an immigration prison where you will conduct initial inquiries and check all the facts you previously stated . The decisions of the border service can be delayed for weeks or even months.

Can I apply for political asylum if I am illegally in the US?

You have the right to defend and examine your application, even if you are in an illegal status. It is very important that this happens in the first year of your stay in the country. Otherwise, you have to argue, there are compelling reasons why you did not do this before.

How long does it take to get an interview for asylum?

Beginning on January 29, 2018, the Immigration Department for Asylum (USCIS Citizenship and Immigration Service Group) will give priority to the newest applications when assigning interviews. Such a change in the schedule of interviews will make it possible to weed out those applicants who use groundless statements and try to use this process solely to obtain a work permit and will enable the USCIS to immediately identify such persons and begin the process of their deportation. In reality, the new Priority will allow the USCIS to make decisions on qualified asylum seekers more quickly and efficiently.

Can I apply for asylum with a minimum of materials, and send documents and evidence after I apply?

It is possible, but we do not recommend it. In cases where you sent an off-the-shelf petition, the fact of not being prepared may negatively affect your interview and raise suspicions about the reliability of the information provided earlier.

Is it possible to apply for political asylum without a lawyer?

Some apply for political asylum on their own, filling out Form I-589 and attaching a declaration. Applicants, who apply for political asylum in the US do not need to hire a lawyer and an interpreter to apply for political asylum in the United States. But you need to consider important points: 1. Immigration Attorneys analyze the facts of persecution, and apply immigration laws to the facts. 2. Attorneys help applicants to fill out the necessary immigration forms and not make any mistakes in their filing. 3. Attorneys help Applicants prepare for the interview, correctly write a declaration, and collect documents. 4. Attorneys have the right to intervene in the process by using immigration law at all stages of the proceedings. 5. Attorneys can help find an interpreter and represent refugees in interviews and in the process of deportation to the immigration court. When your future is at stake, you need to weigh everything for and against the participation of Attorneys in your process.

Contact Attorney Igor Litvak


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